Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hulk Smash

I love the Hulk. The whole concept of this 'hero' appeals to me. I love the fact that this geeky dweeb gets picked on, gets angry, and then smashes everything around me. I mean him. (When writing this, I actually typed "around me" and immediately went to change it. I thought I would leave it. Revealing, no?)

Another thing I love about the Hulk is how he is like Dr. Frankenstein and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde put together. In one sense, he's a creature, a creation of gamma rays and human tissue. On the other, he's the pent up aggression of Banner released on the world. But he's also considered a hero. Which I think is just a little buggy. Since when is getting angry a super power? Is that on his resume? "Skills pertinent to position required: Get really mad".

He's the Nuclear option for the heroes. If things get bad, they just pull a Three Stooges on him. They stand him in front of the bad guys, slap him on the back of the head, then point. "He did it." And Hulk smashes them to tiny bits. Tearing up real estate, maiming anyone in his way, and causing utter destruction and mayhem. No one is immune from his wrath. He is wroth with wrath.

And all the while, Bruce Banner stares out from Hulks eyes. Depending on the writer, he is either entirely aware of his/Hulk's actions, or 'awakens' from the Hulk trance, usually in a crater and usually naked. I like the idea that he watches his actions from behind Hulk's eyes, fully aware, but unable to control his actions. A prisoner in his mind, along for the most horrible ride. You know if he goes plowing through a building, or picks up a car to hit someone with, it wasn't empty right? Seriously, think about it. How many urban areas have totally empty buildings and cars lying around? Comics don't show it (thanks Comic Code Authority) but people had to have died and been seriously injured.

Think what that must be like for Bruce. To feel himself begin to lose control. To feel his emotions begin to boil and rage, build and build. His thoughts becoming less and less rational, until there is nothing left but anger and destruction. His bones bulge and distort. His skin thickens and turns green. His joints pop as tendons, ligaments and muscles expand exponentially. Ever dislocate a joint? How about all of them at once?

And then, when that is done; there is the view. As he destroys everything he can touch. I love the Hulk, and I weep for him, for what he has become. For what lurks in me.

My emotions can lose control. I have within me, something capable of destroying everything I love and hold dear. I have the ability to maim and kill, to hurt and destroy. And that control writhes in my grasp like a wet snake. But I won't let go. I must not. The consequences are too dire not to.

I don't believe I'm alone in this. We've all been lost in our emotions, been subject to them rather than the master of them. Turn on the news or read the paper and you can find people who lose their control to them. The Gamma Bomb of sin has gone off in our souls, changing us from what we were supposed to be, to something hideous. To something that only knows pain, rage and death. Our real self has lost control, and we rage. And oh how we rage. Against friends, neighbors, family, the world. We destroy what we love, and feel powerless to stop it.

But there is hope and peace if we find it. Grace and love if we seek it. Bruce Banner is doomed to be the Hulk, but I'm not. I choose not to be.

For more information on the Hulk, I recommend: The Classic and this . Cheap posers can go here.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Too Hard

Today was horrible. I almost had to leave work, I had to go into an empty office and cry quietly. My heart aches and my soul yearns. I have found a song that speaks of anger,hope, pain and loss. It is beautiful and violent. A mashup of emotion and style that echos what I feel in my heart. The pain, anger, loss and bittersweet hope and love that fills my day.

Here's the link: Rose of Sharyn

And the lyrics in case you hated it and couldn't understand it.

Numb and broken, here I stand alone
Wondering what were the last words I said to you
Hoping, praying that I'll find a way to turn back time
Can I turn back time?

What would I give to behold
The smile, the face of love?
You never left me
The rising sun will always speak your name

Numb and broken, here I stand alone
Wondering what were the last words I said to you
It won't be long, we'll meet again

What would I give to behold
The smile, the face of love?
You never left me
The rising sun will always speak your name

It won't be long, we'll meet again
Your memory is never passing
It won't be long, we'll meet again
My love for you is everlasting

I mourn for those who never knew you

It won't be long, we'll meet again
Your memory is never passing
It won't be long, we'll meet again
My love for you is everlasting

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I Hate Dinner

The hardest thing I have ever done was chose a casket for my baby boy.

The emptiest I have ever felt was holding my infant son in my arms and singing to him as he grew stiff and cold.

The most heartbroken I have ever been was physically laying my child in the ground and watching strangers throw dirt over him.

The saddest I have ever been is hearing my wife cry quietly in another room.

And still, God says He's with us. That we have hope in a perfect future, in a brighter place, where we will experience perfect joy and happiness and fellowship. That my little boy will greet me at the gates, yelling "Daddy!" and run into my arms. It better. It must be. I cannot conceive of going through this without a hope in something else, something after this world, this life.

I felt him. I saw him. I love him. I never got to hold him. I held his shell, his physical form, but I never met my son, Levi. And I won't this side of heaven.

My life now is strange juxtaposition of the normal and the tragic. My baby boy is dead and buried. My heart and soul lie with him, and I'm barely functional. Aidan is excited because Daddy didn't go to work today and he wants to play. The kitchen needed to be cleaned and there are bills to pay and errands to run. One minute is perfectly normal, could be any other day.

Except my son is dead. And a cold hand clutches at my chest and squeezes my heart. My stomach clenches and my eyes burn with angry choking tears.

We sat down for dinner the other day, Sunday I think, and I started eating. Just dove right in. Amy asked me innocently, "Aren't you going to pray?" "I've been debating it" was my answer. My normal prayer goes something like this, "Dear Lord, thank you for today. Thank you for my family and friends. Bless us and keep us safe. Amen" That works under normal circumstances, but the prayer I wanted to pray was, "God, I hate you for allowing this to happen. For not protecting us. For allowing Levi to die. Amen".

This is what I prayed instead:"God, I don't understand. I don't know how this can happen, but I believe you are good and loving. You have to be. Don't let me down. I can't bear this. Give me strength." It's the one I'm still praying.