Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Shameless Plug or Emotional Blackmail?

Did you know we are adopting?   Well, we are.  BAM!!!!  And you can help!  We are crowd-funding our adoption, because that is a thing that people are doing. But what do you get out of it?  How about a snazzy shirt (designed by my wife). It comes in two colors!!  There are only a few days left to order to help us out, and we would appreciate it. So would she (the little girl who calls me 'Daddy').  While you ponder your need for another paint/sleep/workout shirt... why don't you listen to some music?

That's a good song right?  Anyone ready to BUY A SHIRT?  No?

I don't even like country and I bought a shirt after watching that!  What? Still don't want to buy a shirt?  How do you feel after watching this?

You can buy shirts here.  That's some pretty hefty emotional bludgeoning right?  The reality is, there are thousands of children in the state of Texas alone who have been removed from dangerous hard places and want to be loved and cared for.  Soon, there will be one less.  And you can be a part of that, part of that beautiful story.