Back in the 80's geeks were not looked on favorably. They were often portrayed as social outcasts and misfits. I mean, look at Revenge of the Nerds. Wow, even as the protagonists, you still cringe. You do NOT want to be one of those guys.
Lucky for us Weezer came along. Man. These guys made it so much better to be a geek. They are geeks and they are rocks stars. In the Garage is for me, an anthem. It's as if their dulcet tones said "there are others of us Josh. You aren't alone." After the 'Great Wedgie' of '89, that was good to hear. It was a long and lonely time; being picked on.
But our time is now. Spider-Man was one of the biggest movies of all time and has spawned 2 sequels and a veritable rash of superhero movies. Lord of the Rings won Oscars for pete's sake. Oscars! AND there was a good Star Trek movie. A good one! Amazing! And all of these things, all of them, are geeky. Incredibly so. I mean, the new Star Trek movie even talks about the disruption of the space time continuum and alternate dimensions, and people (normal everyday people) liked it!
That's because, deep down, everyone has an inner geek. It's a universal truth. Everyone has something they 'geek out' over. I mean, look at what Twilight did to MOMS. Everyone is a geek about something. But for so long, that had to be hidden. People were ashamed.
But like Frodo bore the ring to Mordor, we bore the weight and shame of your indignity. And have brought you freedom. It's ok. We know. We understand that part of you that goes "glee" and jumps up and down. And's all right.
You see, geek-dom is a subculture. We have our own language, our own manner of dress and interests. For a long time, that was how it remained. Geeks were marginalized, ostracized and ignored when not being abused. But we have strengthened, grown and we have influenced and changed culture. We are smart and influential. You don't need to fear us.