Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Jehovah's Witness/ Jehovah Witnesses

Rather than transcribing my notes from class, I thought I would present something from another Life Group teacher, Joe Huber. Joe was raised Jehovah Witness, so he has a unique perspective that I thought would be good to share. Rather than focus on what they believe, Joe spoke specifically about how to witness. Amy was lucky enough to sit in on his lesson, and bring home some notes. I hope you enjoy and that it is beneficial to you.

Jehovah Witnesses believe the Bible to be the Word of God. They believe it but they really do not know what it says for the most part because they study publications the Jehovah Witness religion produces. These publications have Bible references but the bible is rarely used. He is told that the Bible is difficult to understand and that is why they use the publications, to help them understand God's word.

The Jehovah Witness believe that the Bible and his religion are in complete agreement and taht they do not contradict each other.

Any time you witness to the Jehovah Witness realize that your greatest strength is to know God's Word so when you hear the Jehovah Witness telling yuo thing that you know are not Biblical you can use that as a tool to help him see that his religion and the Bible do not agree.

Ask the Jehovah Witness questions like, 'If the Bible and your religion contradict each other, which would you choose?' Most will choose the Bible but will quickly say that this never happens. They truly believe that both agree.

Lovingly show scriptures that show contradiction. Go slowly. Help him process truth by asking questions that help them think. Realize it is hard to accept that there is indeed contradiction and pray for him that the Holy Spirit will use God's word to bring the Jehovah Witness to salvation.

The Jehovah Witness religion believes Jesus is the arch angel Michael. He is a high priest, and a mediator, created by Jehovah God or Father. He is certainly not God.

A great place to start in helping the Jehovah Witness see this truth is John 1:1 and taking him slowly through verse 14. (turn there now and read it yourself, as practice.)

Ask lots of simple questions. Make them think. Help him process these thoughts with your questions. Ask:
1. According to John 1:1 how long has 'the Word' been in existence?
2. This person referred to as 'The Word', who is he with?
3. According to this verse who is 'The Word'? Realize that this small verse is devastating to the religion he believes in. In it is the Trinity which he does not believe in. It shows immediate contradiction. He is faced with making a choice between his religion or the Bible and that is very scary to him. Read the passage all the way to verse 14 showing that this person called the Word who the Scripture calls God is clearly Jesus. Any scriptures you know showing Jesus as God are great passages to use.

Other passages to use: Genesis 1:1, 26. before reading these verses ask, "Who made the world and who made man? After reading the verse, ask "Who is 'us' in this passage? Who is 'our' in this passage?" Compare it to John 1:10

Matt 1:23 - Immanuel means God with us.

Isaiah 9:6 - Jesus is called God/ Mighty God

Ask the Jehovah Witness who raised Jesus from the dead? He will tell you God. Agree with him and then show him John 2:19-21.

The Jews knew who Jesus claimed to be. John 10:30-33.

Thomas declared Jesus to be God and Jesus accepted the title in John 20:27-29. (If he were an angel, then he could not claim to be God, as that is above his station).

A very devastating blow to a Jehovah Witness is that Jesus is called the Alpha and Omega in the book of Revelation. A great question to ask the Jehovah Witness is who is the Alpha and Omega? He will tell you that it is Jehovah God. Tell him that you agree with him and turn in the scripture to Revelation 1:8 and follow it through to verse 18. It is clear that the Alpha and Omega is Jesus. Only Jesus was in the world, died, and is alive forevermore. The Alpha and Omega is God/ Jesus. Revelation 22:7, 12,13,16, and 20 further identifies the Alpha and Omega.

There are many more passages and God will open your eyes to as you study the scriptures to use with a Jehovah Witness. God bless you as you reach out to these people.

Joe Huber - former Jehovah Witness

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Christian Science isn't very Science. Or Christian.

Let us start with a definition. Cult - a group of people who follow one person's mistranslation or interpretation of the Bible. By this definition, the Church of Jesus Christ, Scientist is a cult. Also, they are not related to the Scientology-ists. Two separate sets of sciencey cults. The Christian Scientists were founded by Mary Baker Eddy in 1875. She was born in 1821, and died in 1910. She had three husbands that last of whom died sometime before 1882 due to "arsenic, mentally administered." Someone poisoned her husband, with their minds. Or at least, that is what she thought.

See, Mary Baker Eddy grew up really sickly. Always fighting off on disease or malady. Then one day, she was reading her Bible and it was revealed to her the method (the science) by with Jesus did all his miraculous healings. And she was healed. So she wrote "Science and Health with a Key to the Scriptures". She then went on to be the most prolific healer since Jesus. Supposedly.

See, (1) one of the things she figured out was that there is no sin, sickness or death. These don't exist. In fact, (2)there is no real physical world. What we exist in is just an illusion or a lower form of the spirit world. So, she discovered the science, or method, or way to overcome the illusion that binds us and makes us think we are sick, hurt, hungry like Jesus did.

While we are on the subject, she also realized that (3) God is impersonal, a mind/spirit that can be understood as the "All in All", encompassing everything. (4) Jesus was just a man who demonstrated the metaphysical truth. He was the 'Idea of Christ', not actual diety. So (5)we can be like Jesus, by discovering or realizing the higher self inside of us. So, since he isn't diety and we can be higher spiritual beings like him, we need to realize that (6)the events in his life need to be viewed as metaphor and spiritual and not taken literally.

Ultimately, all this means that (7) Christian Science possess a more complete and superior form of spiritual knowledge than traditional christianity.

If you're a loony. First of all... her husband died of a heart attack. She didn't agree, so she hired a doctor who agreed with her. But.... turns out he wasn't a doctor. So they arrested him and closed his 'medial school'.

Secondly, the idea that this world is an illusion or somehow a reflection or lower form of something spiritual has been around since Plato and Aristotle. Remember the Matrix? That's the kind of thing she's saying. "Do you think that's air you're breathing now?"

Thirdly, the idea that the scriptures have some kind of hidden meaning in them that you have to discover or have revealed to you goes back to the Gnostics. There is a lot in the New Testament about the truth being revealed and available to all, and Gnosticism was heresy that the early church combated even in the early days.

As we discussed in class, it doesn't make any sense. How can they deny the tangibility of this existence? This reality? Or evil? How can they see such evil take place and think "this isn't really happening." Not in the sense of "this is so horrible, I wish this isn't happening" but "yeah, that didn't happen. I just think it did, but it didn't."

These are the people that we tend to see in the news, the 'christians' who didn't take their kid to the doctor and then their kid died of a preventable disease. Why go to a doctor if you aren't really sick to begin with? Through a 'practioner' (healer) they can realize they don't exist physically and therefore, they can't really be sick or hurt. Update! They do have churches. I did a Google search and they have one in Dallas. They also have something like 9 reading rooms. So you see where the emphasis is. They don't have churches, because they don't need to worship, they have reading rooms because they need to realize this existence is just a figment of our imaginations. Once we do that, we can ascend (metaphorically) like Jesus to heaven (oneness with God).

One of the biggest dangers with Christian Science is the way that they market themselves. And while I'm guilty of that joke, it's not really a joke. If you look at the fundamental beliefs of Christianity they do not match up with anything they believe. Mary Baker Eddy even said, the material blood of Jesus was no more efficacious to cleanse from sin when it was shed upon 'the accursed tree,' than when it was flowing in his veins. The only thing that Christian Science has in common with Christianity is that they are appropriating our language and terms. Is it too late to get God, Christ, Christianity, and Jesus trademarked? Some people shouldn't be allowed to use those terms.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Mormons

To begin with, let's watch a video. Sounds pretty innocuous right? But did you notice anything that seemed a Maybe raised a red flag or two? Hopefully, you did. If not, we'll try to work some of that out.

First, some background information: Mormonism was founded in 1820 in New York when Joseph Smith had a vision of God and Jesus and they told him that all the other Christian Sects were wrong and an abomination in his sight. When Smith turned 18, he had another vision that told him about some gold plates and then at 21 he was told in a vision where to find them.

Having found them, he translated the plates into English from 'Egyptian hieroglyphics". In 1830, the Book of Mormon was published. The book of Mormon serves as their main source of scripture, and they view it to be of greater importance than the Bible. The believe it is a record of two ancient people groups who lived in North America and had highly advanced civilizations that were eventually destroyed. The only records left were the golden plates that Smith found. Jesus supposedly appeared to these people after he was resurrected. That's why they are sometimes called Latter-Day Saints, since Jesus came over here, you know. Later.

Some interesting facts about Mormonism:
1. Originally advocated polygamy. Smith himself had over 30 wives
2. No longer advocates polygamy. The newer editions of the Book of Mormon have revised or removed their stance on multiple wives.
3. God has/ had multiple wives in heaven. He had physical sex with Mary. (Maybe that should be 4.)
4. He had physical sex with Mary.
5. Jesus married Mary and Martha and had kids by each.
6. The dead can be baptized into Mormonism by proxy. That's why they have such good genealogical records, so they can save all their ancestors from hell.
7. The Trinity are different gods. Because there are multiple Gods.
8. Jesus is the first-born spirit child of God and a heavenly mother.
a. He's our elder brother
b. He's Lucifer's brother
9. Salvation is by faith plus works in the Mormon church
10. Everyone goes to 1 of 3 places.Hell, heaven and Highest Heaven. The best of the best go to the Highest Heaven, where they get to be gods and have their own planet.
11. After high School, most of the boys go on 2 year mission trip.

That is bare-bones Mormonism 101. If you compare everything they believe compared to Biblical Christianity, it is starkly different. Everything from their stance on the Trinity, the Bible to salvation, it all differs radically from what we would call 'orthodox' Christianity.

A couple of questions that you could pose to a Mormon:
Why do Mormons claim that there are many gods and that men can be gods when the Bible says there is only one God?

If Jesus was conceived of a physical union, how was he born of a virgin?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Atheism and agnosticism

This is not a joke. Seriously. Did you check it out? Did you know that 7% of Americans claim to atheist and/or agnostic. That means that they outnumber Mormons 3/1; Jews 4/1; and Muslims 14/1. They represent a huge segment of the population, we may even know someone who is one, but how prepared are we to engage with them and influence them towards a relationship with Christ.

First, a language lesson. An atheist doesn't believe that God exists. Atheist means 'no god'. An agnostic doesn't believe that God can be known. Agnostic means 'no knowledge'. The 'a' in front of the word means 'no'. Like an amusement park. Muse means 'think' which is why you pay $12 for a burger.

1. Atheism could be considered a religion. It's world view that is adhered to by millions. So it could be considered a religion. a religion that doesn't believe in God. Crazy!

2. Atheists use a couple of arguments to support their belief that God doesn't exists. Here's a rundown:
a. Evil exists. How can there be a good God if evil exists?
b. Apparent purposelessness of life. If God exists, how can life be so meaningless?
c. Random occurrences in the universe. If God exists, how can life be random?
d. First Law of Thermodynamics - "energy can neither be created nor destroyed"

How can you respond to that? These are hard questions, that everyone deals with.
a. As Christians, we know that evil exists because of sin.
b. Just because life seems meaningless, doesn't mean that it is. Christ gives us purpose.
c. Stuff that seems random isn't actually random. Like DNA. People used to think that it was random, but now they are sequencing it.
d. The first Law of Thermodynamics - "energy can neither be created nor destroyed" is not what it says. It is actually says that the amount of actual energy in the universe remains constant. Science makes no claims on what 'can' or 'cannot be' only on what is observed. As it is, the amount of usable energy is our universe is winding down, (entropy) and eventually our sun will burn out and we will all freeze to death. Yay science!

So that is pretty much it. I did want to add a short little video, where Ben Stein is interviewing Richard Dawkins, who is a best selling author and astrophysicist. He's also a huge proponent of atheism. As you watch it, keep in mind Psalm 10:4 " In his pride the wicked does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God."