Jehovah Witnesses believe the Bible to be the Word of God. They believe it but they really do not know what it says for the most part because they study publications the Jehovah Witness religion produces. These publications have Bible references but the bible is rarely used. He is told that the Bible is difficult to understand and that is why they use the publications, to help them understand God's word.
The Jehovah Witness believe that the Bible and his religion are in complete agreement and taht they do not contradict each other.
Any time you witness to the Jehovah Witness realize that your greatest strength is to know God's Word so when you hear the Jehovah Witness telling yuo thing that you know are not Biblical you can use that as a tool to help him see that his religion and the Bible do not agree.
Ask the Jehovah Witness questions like, 'If the Bible and your religion contradict each other, which would you choose?' Most will choose the Bible but will quickly say that this never happens. They truly believe that both agree.
Lovingly show scriptures that show contradiction. Go slowly. Help him process truth by asking questions that help them think. Realize it is hard to accept that there is indeed contradiction and pray for him that the Holy Spirit will use God's word to bring the Jehovah Witness to salvation.
The Jehovah Witness religion believes Jesus is the arch angel Michael. He is a high priest, and a mediator, created by Jehovah God or Father. He is certainly not God.
A great place to start in helping the Jehovah Witness see this truth is John 1:1 and taking him slowly through verse 14. (turn there now and read it yourself, as practice.)
Ask lots of simple questions. Make them think. Help him process these thoughts with your questions. Ask:
1. According to John 1:1 how long has 'the Word' been in existence?
2. This person referred to as 'The Word', who is he with?
3. According to this verse who is 'The Word'? Realize that this small verse is devastating to the religion he believes in. In it is the Trinity which he does not believe in. It shows immediate contradiction. He is faced with making a choice between his religion or the Bible and that is very scary to him. Read the passage all the way to verse 14 showing that this person called the Word who the Scripture calls God is clearly Jesus. Any scriptures you know showing Jesus as God are great passages to use.
Other passages to use: Genesis 1:1, 26. before reading these verses ask, "Who made the world and who made man? After reading the verse, ask "Who is 'us' in this passage? Who is 'our' in this passage?" Compare it to John 1:10
Matt 1:23 - Immanuel means God with us.
Isaiah 9:6 - Jesus is called God/ Mighty God
Ask the Jehovah Witness who raised Jesus from the dead? He will tell you God. Agree with him and then show him John 2:19-21.
The Jews knew who Jesus claimed to be. John 10:30-33.
Thomas declared Jesus to be God and Jesus accepted the title in John 20:27-29. (If he were an angel, then he could not claim to be God, as that is above his station).
A very devastating blow to a Jehovah Witness is that Jesus is called the Alpha and Omega in the book of Revelation. A great question to ask the Jehovah Witness is who is the Alpha and Omega? He will tell you that it is Jehovah God. Tell him that you agree with him and turn in the scripture to Revelation 1:8 and follow it through to verse 18. It is clear that the Alpha and Omega is Jesus. Only Jesus was in the world, died, and is alive forevermore. The Alpha and Omega is God/ Jesus. Revelation 22:7, 12,13,16, and 20 further identifies the Alpha and Omega.
There are many more passages and God will open your eyes to as you study the scriptures to use with a Jehovah Witness. God bless you as you reach out to these people.
Joe Huber - former Jehovah Witness
1 comment:
Praise God for Joe!
Mark - another former Jehovah's Witness.
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